Number Music Revolution

Social Ideology

Social-Economic-Scientific Proposal

There is so much to improve in our social-economic system worldwide. The inherited ideologies have failed, so this is the time for a new proposal. All the videos in my youtube channel, in some way or another, describe the true causes of the current social crisis which is closely related to  the way we are currently doing science conducted by an evil relavistic philosophy imposed by the dominating Elite.  


(Spanish Edition) Link to the book at Amazon

Comments starting from minute 35:20.

The Red Pill

First Video description (English Subtitles):

Time: 35:20 -> End *

Relating to the present situation of our society, I mean the increasing discontent among people worldwide caused by the prevailing ideologies and the violence and abuses that show up everywhere and at any time in our societies.

People feel the pain and discomfort, but they cannot
foresee the whole picture, they cannot see the actual cause for their suffering, and they change their opinion about those ruling ideologies without even knowing what is really going on.

There it comes, by needfulness, the new proposal of one of the protagonists of the adventure narrated in the book, a new ideology that differs from Socialism and Capitalism.

A new route: The ‘Red Pill’.

As a strong response and an alternative to the resounding failure of all inherited ideologies.

If you have found this stuff of some interest, thanks in advance for cooperating –in any way– to continue this work and help disseminate this message abroad.


The second video: How to Escape the Matrix‘ 

It describes the true causes of the current social crisis and is also closely related to what has been described at the end of another video entitled: ‘ARITMETICA DE LOS IRRACIONALES. ARCHAELOGICAL ARITHMETIC. THE MISSING LINK IN MATHEMATICS‘. Follows a reproduction of the statements shown at the end of the video:


The Schmalkaldic League
The New Elite and Cultural Tyranny.
The ancient Greeks foresaw the existence of a Natural Order in the Science of Quantity, but they did not find general arithmetic methods to prove it, which became their philosophy’s stigma.
Later, Catholicism appropriated the Greek cultural heritage, but that stigma would be advantageous for the adversaries.

It all started in the 16th century with the creation of the Schmalkaldic League to declare war against the cultural power of Catholicism.
Protestants, Calvinists, Anglicans, Lutherans, etc.
They joined and allied with other religions and cultures.

And although Catholicism had a large army, the battle was also in the intellectual field, and that is where the new alliance won a great victory. The Catholic leaders did not have the capacity or will to correct the aforementioned stigma, and gradually gave up and prostrated themselves before the power of the Schmalkaldic League. The new alliance no longer needed to use that name because their alliances and influence expanded greatly.

In the 19th century, the intellectual war unleashed against Catholicism found no limits, and the technological advances that were developed regardless of that battle were used by the League to generate confusion; the Catholic Church not only surrendered but would later become an accomplice and thus, without conditions, they handed over the control of the culture of Europe and America to the new Elite.
From there, the new Elite began a brainwashing campaign to implant the theories of Evolution and Relativism and establish arrogance and egocentrism as bases of the new philosophy.

Long ago, Catholic leaders claimed the representation of God on earth, but now the new Elite directly assumed the role of God. They became the only beacon of light among the darkness of relativistic curved multidimensional worlds, which they decreed, by royal-divine mandate, as the image of our universe –Total control–.

Now, every publication is filtered by that new Elite; everything must match the imposed relativistic philosophy, and any act of rebellion or disrespect for their fabricated scientific-commercial icons (Einstein-type) is treated worse than the Holy Inquisition used to do. The person is segregated and ceases to exist socially.

A simple example is the imposition of the term:
in mathematics and science, with a planned intentionality. Because the independent dimensions of our space are three, the fact that there can be many independent variables does not imply that they are additional dimensions from other worlds, as they want to make them appear.
However, the vicious educational system promotes the multidimensional framework to brainwash and impose their Ponzi scheme of non-Euclidean geometries, curved spaces, Special relativity, and the fundraising industry and tax money for projects about other worlds, flatland, hypercubes, relative time-space, black holes, etc.
The list of impositions of this educational tyranny is long and is offensive to anyone with common sense. But everything is arranged under an image of institutionality and scientific objectivity, placing as bait a false “total freedom of thought” to keep vulnerable people caged and controlled.
The social-religious leaders became accomplices because, in reality, internally, they do not believe in the existence of a Natural Order since they only manipulate everything for personal gain.
The high-order arithmetic methods exposed in my YouTube channel evidence the existence of that Natural Order anticipated by the ancient Greeks, but they inexplicably were able to develop those methods.
Certainly, there are paths different from what the Elite have imposed. The winds of change are blowing, and it is inevitable
the emergence of a new original ideology.
In America, the most vulnerable people to intellectual impositions were always the Aborigines, the Latinos, and Afro-Americans. Many suffered deep brainwashing, and after being manipulated, controlled, and exploited, they ended up prostrate, praising a supposed Higher culture and wishing to live in the cradle nations of that Superior Elite that subjected them.
Another portion of those Latin Americans showed themselves uselessly rebellious, and their revolts and violent acts for freedom became just empty screams, violence, and poverty.
Because true liberation is not obtained with weapons nor by ending the lives of other human beings.
True independence is intellectual.
Due to centuries of brainwashing, many think that:
“Intellectual Independence”
means reading, memorizing, repeating, and praising everything written in the literature imposed by the Elite that oppressed them.
For that reason, all revolutions have been failures.
To think that what the current intellectual Elite imposes is the only way to follow is pitiful and absurd, and such a way of thinking must change radically.
A new independent vision, a new social ideology, a new way of approaching science that is true independence, the way forward.



Domingo Gomez Morin