Number Music Revolution


Number Music Revolution


Music Revolution


Brief description of the myths that supported “music theory” since Pythagoras up to now. The concept of consonance in music has not been founded on a true scientific base. 

Using the Modulator-Carrier wave equation, a new musical scale –not based on the Octave concept– is constructed in the interval 1-3.

New high-order root approximation methods that you never saw neither in the literature nor in any classroom. There are no derivatives, geometry, or Trial-&-Error tests but the simplest arithmetic, the new Arithmonic Mean.

New Generalized Continued Fractions.

New general scheme of quantity.

A critical revision of the experiment of Michelson and Morley and the fundamentals of the Special Relativity Theory.

Discussions on the mathematical fundaments of consonance in music, the Rational Mean, the Arithmonic Mean, new numerical methods, generalized continued fractions, cryptography, cryptocurrency, and a new social-economic ideology.